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Why Are My New Glasses Blurry in One Eye?

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A young adult pulls glasses out from their face as they realize their prescription is off.

Getting new glasses is an exciting step toward better vision and personal style, but what happens when you notice blurry vision in one eye? 

This is often temporary, caused by a prescription or alignment issue, but understanding all the possible causes can help you find a solution quickly. If you’ve been experiencing this issue, don’t worry—it’s typically fixable and can be resolved with a little time or a visit to your eye care provider.

Understanding the Problem

Blurry vision in one eye, especially with new glasses, differs from typical discomfort like dryness or fatigue. You might notice that one eye is struggling to focus, or perhaps objects look hazy or distorted when looking at them with one eye. The blurriness may be constant or come and go, depending on what you’re looking at. 

Possible Causes of Blurry Vision in One Eye

Prescription Error

An incorrect prescription is one of the most common reasons for blurry vision in one eye. Even a small error in lens power or an oversight in how the prescription was filled can lead to one eye being blurry while the other sees clearly. 

Prescription mismatches, such as a different power for each eye, may also contribute. If you think this could be the issue, don’t hesitate to return to your eye doctor to double-check the prescription.

Adjustment Period

It’s also possible that your eyes need some time to adjust. When you first get new glasses, especially if your prescription has changed, it’s normal for your eyes to take a little time to acclimate. This is particularly true if you’re transitioning from an old pair with a different prescription. 

Typically, this adjustment period lasts about a week. If the blurriness continues beyond that, it might be time to revisit your optometrist.

Lens Type & Fit

If you’re wearing progressive lenses, bifocals, or another type of multifocal lens, how the lenses fit and align with your eyes is crucial. These lenses have multiple focal points and require specific positioning to function correctly. 

If the optical center of your lenses is misaligned or the frames don’t sit correctly on your face, it could lead to blurry vision in one eye. For example, if your frames sit too high or low on your nose, the lenses may not align properly with your pupils, causing discomfort or blurriness. Ensuring your glasses fit well is key to resolving this issue.


Astigmatism is a common refractive error that can contribute to blurry vision. This occurs when the cornea, or the lens inside the eye, is irregularly shaped, causing light to focus unevenly on the retina. If you have astigmatism and your new glasses aren’t properly correcting for it, you may experience blurry vision, particularly in one eye. 

Astigmatism can vary in severity, so even a small misalignment in your lenses can make a noticeable difference in the quality of your vision. Make sure your optometrist has accounted for astigmatism when prescribing your lenses.

Eye Health Issues

In some cases, blurry vision in one eye can point to underlying health issues, such as cataracts, macular degeneration, or retinal conditions. While this is less common, it’s essential to be aware of sudden or persistent changes in vision. 

If blurry vision continues despite adjustments to your glasses or doesn’t resolve with time, it’s a good idea to schedule an eye exam to rule out any other potential issues.

Symptoms of Blurry Vision in One Eye

A senior reading the newspaper removes their glasses, struggling to see clearly.

It’s important to recognize how blurry vision in one eye may present itself:

  • Hazy or distorted vision: You may notice objects look out of focus or blurry only with one eye.
  • Difficulty focusing: One eye may feel like it’s working harder than the other to focus.
  • Persistent blurriness: If the blurriness doesn’t improve after a few days or weeks, this may signal a need for further evaluation.
  • Double vision: In some cases, blurry vision could be accompanied by double vision or difficulty distinguishing between objects in the same line of sight.
  • Uneven vision: You may feel like one eye sees clearly while the other remains blurry.

When to Visit the Eye Doctor

If blurry vision in one eye persists beyond the typical adjustment period or if you experience discomfort or changes in your vision, it’s important to visit your eye doctor. They can determine if your prescription is correct, whether your glasses need adjusting, or if an underlying issue requires attention. Some signs that warrant a visit to the eye doctor include:

  • Continued blurry vision despite the adjustment period.
  • Discomfort or pain in one or both eyes.
  • Sudden or worsening vision problems.
  • Double vision or difficulty focusing.

Tips for Adjusting to New Glasses

Here are some practical tips to help ease the transition to your new glasses:

  • Wear them consistently: The more you wear your new glasses, the faster your eyes will adjust.
  • Check the fit: Ensure your frames sit comfortably on your nose and ears and that the lenses align properly with your eyes.
  • Be patient: It can take time for your eyes to adjust to a new prescription. Give it one to two weeks before making any conclusions.
  • Follow up if needed: If the blurriness continues, don’t hesitate to contact your eye care provider. They can help make any necessary adjustments.

Comfort & Clarity: Schedule an Eye Exam with Signature Eye Care

If you’re experiencing vision-related issues, such as blurriness, reach out to our team at Signature Eye Care today and schedule an appointment to find comfort and clarity in your vision.

Written by Dr. Jonathan Knutson

As a Doctor of Optometry, Dr. Knutson’s commitment to patients is his ongoing professional education. He takes pride in staying up-to-date as technology changes to ensure he can provide the latest and greatest care for your eyes. Dr. Knutson enjoys entertaining and is committed to providing a fun and enjoyable experience for his patients. He genuinely cares about his patients, placing utmost importance on the satisfaction of his care and products.
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