When it comes to enhancing our appearance, there are a variety of options available. One option that has become increasingly popular in recent years is fake eyelashes. These temporary lashes can give us longer, fuller, and more dramatic-looking eyelashes, making our eyes stand out. However, it is important to note that wearing fake eyelashes—especially those […]
Can You Use Eye Drops Before Bed?
Eye drops are a common remedy for various eye conditions, from dryness to allergies. But can you use eye drops before bed? The short answer is yes, but it depends on the type of eye drops and your specific needs. Let’s explore the different scenarios where using eye drops at night can be beneficial or […]
Can Eye Problems Cause Headaches?
Headaches are a common ailment that affects millions of people worldwide. They can be triggered by a myriad of factors, from stress and dehydration to sinus issues and more. One often overlooked cause of headaches, however, is eye problems. At Signature Eye Care, we understand the intricate relationship between eye health and overall well-being. We […]
Is Neurolens Worth It?
In an era where screen time dominates much of our daily lives, it’s no surprise that many of us suffer from eye strain, headaches, and even neck pain. These discomforts often stem from prolonged exposure to digital devices, leading to what’s commonly referred to as digital eye strain. Neurolens is a specialized type of prescription […]
What Is a Dry Eye Flare-Up?
Dry eye flare-ups can significantly impact individuals, causing discomfort and affecting daily activities. A dry eye flare-up is a period of intense dry eye symptoms that are more severe than usual and can be triggered by various factors. By delving into the specifics of dry eye flare-ups with Signature Eye Care, you can address your […]
How Long Does Eye Strain Last?
In today’s busy world, eye strain can be a common issue, with many of us using computers for extended periods. Eye strain is a collection of uncomfortable symptoms when your eyes become tired from intense use, such as staring at a computer screen for prolonged periods. It can also be caused by straining to see […]
What Is a Dry Eye Exam?
Most of us know the discomfort of tired, dry eyes after a long day looking at a computer screen or battling seasonal allergies. But for many, this is more than a passing issue—it’s a chronic condition that can make even daily activities a struggle. Your optometrist can help you find relief from dry eye symptoms, […]
How Do Myopia Control Contact Lenses Work?
Myopia is a common vision error where our eyes don’t focus light correctly, causing distant objects to appear blurry while close ones remain clear. But concern around myopia is more than simply being about clear vision. Myopia can lead to serious vision problems in the future if left unchecked. But myopia control can help. Contact […]
Can Diabetic Eye Problems Be Reversed?
If you or someone you know is living with diabetes, chances are that diabetic eye problems have become a reality. While your primary care provider may discuss the how-tos of managing your condition, they may not have addressed whether these eye issues can be reversed. Early detection and intervention can prevent vision loss and even […]
Is It Necessary to Dilate a Child’s Eyes?
The eye is one of the most crucial organs in a human body. It is responsible for providing us with sight, which allows us to take in the world around us. Eye exams are essential for both adults and children since it helps identify any problems in the eye. However, sometimes it is necessary to […]