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Can an Old Eye Prescription Cause Headaches?

A patient massages their temples for headache relief caused by outdated prescription glasses.

Our eyes and brain work together closely to process images, allowing us to perceive our surroundings.  When eyesight is compromised because of an outdated or incorrect vision prescription, our brain has to work harder to interpret what we’re seeing, leading to eye strain and triggering headaches.  How Vision Can Cause Headaches When your glasses or […]

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Can Fake Eyelashes Cause Dry Eye?

Woman getting fake eyelashes applied, highlighting her eyes and the eyelash tweezers.

When it comes to enhancing our appearance, there are a variety of options available. One option that has become increasingly popular in recent years is fake eyelashes. These temporary lashes can give us longer, fuller, and more dramatic-looking eyelashes, making our eyes stand out.  However, it is important to note that wearing fake eyelashes—especially those […]

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Is Neurolens Worth It?

A man covering his right eye with his right hand during an eye exam to test eye misalignment.

In an era where screen time dominates much of our daily lives, it’s no surprise that many of us suffer from eye strain, headaches, and even neck pain. These discomforts often stem from prolonged exposure to digital devices, leading to what’s commonly referred to as digital eye strain.  Neurolens is a specialized type of prescription […]

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What Is a Dry Eye Flare-Up?

Close-up of a dark-haired person's face as they pull down on their upper cheek with their index to reveal a red eye. The left eye is clear, and the right eye (more visible) is red.

Dry eye flare-ups can significantly impact individuals, causing discomfort and affecting daily activities. A dry eye flare-up is a period of intense dry eye symptoms that are more severe than usual and can be triggered by various factors. By delving into the specifics of dry eye flare-ups with Signature Eye Care, you can address your […]

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