Take the Pressure Off Strained, Tired Eyes

Do you frequently experience headaches, eye strain, neck aches, or dizziness? Do symptoms persist despite taking screen breaks? You may be experiencing trigeminal dysphoria.

Eye misalignment can put extra pressure on the trigeminal nerve, a complex nerve system responsible for head and neck sensations. As a result, your visual system has to work harder, leading to eye discomfort and tension.

Neurolens glasses are designed to take the pressure off by correcting eye misalignment. Schedule your next eye exam at Practice/Clinic Name to learn more.

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What Is Eye Misalignment?

Eye misalignment is when the eyes don’t aim at the same object at the same time. The alignment can be minor and unnoticeable, or it can be severe. The condition is also called strabismus or crossed eyes.

Symptoms of eye misalignment can include:

  • Eye fatigue
  • Strained eyes
  • Headaches
  • Neck tension
  • Dry eye sensations
  • Dizziness

What Is Neurolens?

Neurolens is a lens technology that uses a contoured prism, with the design customized to add more prism power where you need it most. Prism correction redirects light before it reaches the eye so you receive matching images instead of separate or misaligned images. Neurolens is the first prescription lens to use a unique contoured prism that can improve alignment for various distances, near and far.

Customizing Your Neurolens Prescription

Measuring your unique eye position is a crucial step in determining the amount of prism correction needed. We used a specialized device to evaluate how synchronized your eyes are, measuring the difference between your eye’s position and where it should be. The exam usually takes less than 3 minutes.

With these unique measurements, your contoured prism prescription can be customized just for you.

Contact Us Today to Discover the Benefits of Neurolens

Neurolens can make a significant difference in your daily life. The innovative prism design can correct the eye-brain alignment, so you stop receiving mixed messages and experience smoother, healthier vision. If you’re looking for a solution to relieve digital eye strain and visual fatigue, book an appointment to try Neurolens.

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Visit Our Office

You can find us in Lincoln, NE at 5630 S 84th St #120. We are at the Northeast corner of 84th & Old Cheney in the North most building, across the intersection diagonally from Lincoln Christian Schools.

Our Address

5630 S 84th St #120
Lincoln, NE 68516

Contact Information

Phone: 402-488-2211
[email protected]

Hours of Operation

8 AM5 PM
10 AM7 PM
10 AM5 PM
10 AM7 PM
8 AM5 PM

Our Services

Eye Exams
Eye Exams

Getting your eyes examined at least once a year can help to detect the early stages of eye disease and offer ways to manage symptoms. Safeguarding your ocular health can improve the longevity of your clear vision.


Neurolenses are prescription eyeglass lenses that can help relieve the eye strain, headaches, and neck/shoulder pain that many people experience as a result of digital device use. Neurolenses work by adding a contoured prism to the lenses, helping to align the eyes.

Contact Lenses
Contact Lenses

Contacts are suitable for most individuals and can treat some corneal irregularities. We can help you find the contact lenses that work best for you, even if you’ve had some trouble in the past.

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management
Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

We can help identify early signs of eye disease and provide a treatment plan that works best for you. We can effectively treat and manage conditions like glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and cataracts.

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